Friday, June 26, 2009

Your Garden

Your thoughts are like the seeds you plant in your garden. Your beliefs

are like the soil in witch you plant these seeds." ~ Louise Hay ~

Let's go on a trip and discover were is your garden and how do you clean it, that Louise talking about.

Your garden is your subconscious mind and the gardener is your conscious mind. Now to explain how the mind work is to use a garden for a good example. If you look at a normal garden that is neat you don’t get a lot of weed in it. But let say the garden is in a bad condition with a lot of weed in it and you want to clean it up. Normally you will pull out the weed and put some good new soil in it with new flowers in.

The garden that is in a bad condition is your subconscious mind with a lot of negative thoughts in it and the person that is responsible for that is the gardener you conscious mind. Your conscious mind determined what go to the subconscious mind and it cultivate your way of thinking for the future it is almost like programming a computer, what you put in is what you will get out (GIGO).

Most people tend to focus first on the negative before he will thinks about the positive side of any thing. We need to reprogram or clean our garden from al the negative way of thinking and the only way we can do that is to start to shutdown negative thing in our life and replace it with thinks that will help us to become more Positive in life.

Now you may ask the how Question? So let me answer it for you. Replace TV Time with reading time a good book for example, “Think and grow rich” from Napoleon Hill. Associate les with negative friends and more with people that is optimistic about life. Start to do a self talk in the morning before you start your day , if you don’t know how to do a self talk just start to say to your self “Every day and in ever way I Am getting Better and Better” and repeat it ten time’s.

There is a lot of thinks you can do to clean your garden but the secret is to do it daily. The same with the garden you don’t go to the nursery to buy weeds it just grow on it’s own, your mind work the same if you don’t tell it consistently what to do it go back to it’s old way of thinking and before you know it overrule the positive thoughts and you are back to the old way of thinking.

Zig Ziglar say this "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar ~

Enjoy the gardening.

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